At this time my strongman schedule is not yet determined leading into the fall. I am slowly working back into grip training with several opportunities, goals and competitions on the horizon which may also include Highland Games late this fall. My training time has been extremely limited due to actual physical access to the equipment due to exploding gym hours and new members. While it's a great problem to have, I long for the days of having a home gym so I could train whenever I want to.

Despite my lack of posts, training has continued. My own training has sort of morphed into a direction I hadn't really anticipated. While my actual hands on training time has been limited, I've had the opportunity to observe, learn and interact with some high level and quality coaches for The Girl's training about five hours per week then we have our training together for a few more hours each week. It's been a huge commitment but  I am loving this time and am so grateful for the opportunities.

We all have a lense which colors how we see and interpret the world, training, people, etc. When you have the opportunity to view the world, problem, relationship, or training through someone else's lense, grab that opportunity and use it as a tool for growth and expansion of your own skill set, beliefs, etc. In my teacher education program we referred to the self reflection process as "The Reflective Teacher Model."

Growth often comes through reflection and self analysis. The ego interferes with understanding or finding value in those with differing views. Approaching experiences with the mindset of being right, justified, smarter, etc are all road blocks to learning which allow us to move past the comfortable and familiar.

At the end of each training/coaching day of hers, I often spend time trying to construct meaning and value from the other professionals and their realm of the training/competing world.  It's safe to say that my approach and philosophies for the learning/training process differ significantly. I am gently being reminded to find the middle ground between two extremes of patience, support and nurturing versus smashing the door down and ruling the world like a boss. With my own kid, it's a tough balance. As a teacher, I do that all day long without issue as long. As long as it's someone else's child.

As for today....



.5 - 3x5

2, 1x5

2.5 - 2x1 with assists on close

2 - 3x3, with left hand 2x1


SSB Low Box Squat

bar - 3x5

175, 1x3

225, 5x3

While not earth shattering, I am using this time to continue to build confidence with the knee and my mental fortitude.

Double Overhand Axle Rack Pulls

225, 1x3

245, 1x1

255, 1x1

275, 1x1

275 x 3 holds til failure


3" Block Pinch

35, 5x5 with right hand

35, 5x2 with left hand