I own a sports performance gym, and typically my schedule is pretty good in regards to training. With the exception of the summer months. This is our first week of our summer schedule and instead of having athletes after school only, they are in here 8:00 am - 8:00 pm. Long story short, there will be some days I have to train on my own whenever I can get it in. Today was one of those days.
Since I was by myself all my squats were walked out. I didn't realize how spoiled I was never having to walk out a squat, I didn't think it used to be that difficult.
Warmed up with doubles up to 505.
I hit 6x1 with 505.
It was a million times harder than I ever remembered it walking the weights out. It definitely took me out of position and made the squat harder than it should have been.
Accessory work:
5x5 Glute Ham Raise
5x10 Single Leg Hamstring curls
5x10 Ab roller