Feeling pretty good about the meet coming up, it's been a while since I've been on the platform (not since Nationals in August) and I'm really looking forward to feeling the rush of competition again. It'll also be a great time since I'll get to see a bunch of old friends, and meet a bunch of new ones (including my new team members). I had mentioned that my hip had been bothering me for a few weeks-- and how I was going to make it a priority to pay more attention to my recovery and mobility work. Lo and behold, my hip is feeling better-- and my Squat came back haha. My squat had been feeling off lately, and also looked off. I wasn't able to do "my" squat. It was technically ok, but it just wasn't where it usually is for me. Once I loosened up my hamstrings, and mobilized my glutes/hips more (and got rid of some seriously NASTY knots in my adducters), it came right back!

It's amazing what a little self-care can do for lifting.

About to start my 2nd semester of my 2L year (2nd year of law school), and I'm really looking forward to it. I took on a bit more than I could handle last semester, but I think I've finally figured out how to balance everything. I'm ready to try again with my new knowledge (learned the hard way).


Squat w/belt

255x4 @7
275x4 @8
275x4 @8
275x4 @8
275x4 @8

Competition Bench

165x3 @7
175x3 @8
180x3 @9
175x3 @8

Military Press
95x4 @7
105x4 @8
105x4 @8
105x4 @8.5
105x4 @8.5


Deadlift w/belt
340x4 @7
360x4 @8.5
350x4 @8.5
350x4 @8.5
350x4 @9

2ct Pause Bench
155x3 @6.5
175x3 @8.5
180x3 @9.5
170x3 @8.5

No Belt 2ct Pause Squat

225x4 @6.5
245x4 @7.5
260x4 @8
260x4 @8.5
260x4 @8.5
260x4 @8.5


No Belt Pin Squat (at depth)

225x2 @6.5
245x2 @7
265x2 @8
265x2 @8
265x2 @8
265x2 @8

Touch and Go Bench Press
135x5 @6.5
155x5 @8
175x5 @10
165x5 @8.5

Close Grip + mini bands
95x8 @6
115x8 @9
115x8 @9.5


Squat w/belt

275x3 @7
295x3 @7.5
315x3 @8.5
325x3 @9
305x3 @8.5

Competition Bench

175x2 @7.5
185x2 @8.5
185x2 @8.5

Neutral Grip Military Press
65x6 @6
85x6 @7
95x6 @8.5
105x6 @9.5
95x6 @8.5