Getting more squats on, two days until I see the surgeon, getting more anxious than ever, I just want this show on the road so I can get back to my regularly scheduled training !


Rackable Cambered Bar Squats

Bar 60Lbs x 10/10

110 Lbs Pause 3 sec 5/5/5/5/5

160 Lbs x 5/5/5/5/5

Belts Squats ( Ken's new creation, I call her Squatzilla)



180 Lbs x 10/10

230 Lbs x 15/15

270 Lb x 20/20

320 Lbs x 15

230 Lbs x 50


Superset with Sit ups with a 5 second hold between 5's

20/20  20/20  20/20  20/20

Reverse Hyper on GHR


6 Weeks and waiting since I tore my rotator cuff,  Monday is the day I finally meet the Surgeon.

#cannot wait #frustrated #depressed #tornshoulder #teamelitefts