I used the elitefts ssb to a box right at parallel. I suck at box squats to I almost got stapled on my last single. That would have really ruined my day.....
Warm up to bar with heavy bands and light bands doubled over.
-I don't know how much tension there was at the top, but it was certainly a lot!
1 plate x 3
2 plates x3
275 x 3
315 x 2
405v1 grinder
Speed Deadlift vs average band
225x1 x 3 sets
275x1 x2 sets
315x1 x 2 sets
445x1 x 2 sets
I was really happy with how fast these moved. I used the elitefts 5 rings bar as opposed to pulling with a deadlift bar, and everything felt light and fast.
Accessory work:
3x10 Glute ham raise vs mini band
3x 10 ab roller