The day previous to this workout I spend a half hour doing some prehab/rehab work that made me feel a ton better. So, I wanted to see how much it helped.

Warmup - McGill big 3

SSB - I used my elitefts knee sleeves and squatted in Oly Lifters
-- All pause squats

bar x 5
315x2 x2 sets

Not impressive, I know.... but I was pretty happy I was pain free. And this was the first time I have squatted in a couple weeks, so it was actually a lot tougher than I thought it would be.

Accessory work

Dumbbell Straight Leg DL 3x10 (light)
Pullup 3 x 10

Abs 3x10 hanging leg lifts on pullup bar - The main reason for choosing this was to decompress my spine hanging on the bar. Not sure how much it helped, but it definitely didn't hurt. I felt pretty good by the end of that workout.

knee-sleeves-home (2)