My back felt wrecked from pulls on Wednesday so adjusted todays training. I was planning on squatting two plates but settled with one for 6 x 5. Quality over quantity. I'm still in the phase of training where I'm adding volume and still figuring out what things I need to strategically focus on in the next phase(s) of training.

By the way, I cannot pronounce the word hypertrophy correctly. I fuck it up every time.


Warm up with bar 2 x 10

105lbs 2 x 5 / 145lbs 6 x 5

GHR back extensions 4 x 15 (2 second hold) w/ 25lb plate



Bulgarian split squats 3 x 8 (heavy fatbells) x Staggered RDL's 3 x 8 (fairly heavy) - I noticed with these if I did not hinge from hips (from a technique standpoint) I felt these on my lower back. So take your time with these.  No rest between this superset

Leg extensions x leg curls (heavy) 3 x 10 each non-stop

20 minute cardio (7 incline / 3.5 speed)

