
Belt squats with band in front of hips (I put a video in a prior log). I’m sticking with these banded belt squats for the near future because I feel like for once in my life my gluteals are doing their duteals. Worked up to 3 heavy sets of 10.


Close stance leg press (I wrote “heavy” in my notes. Cool). We always have some combo of reverse bands and plates on there so I only write down what I do if I need to beat my weight in the coming weeks. Right now I am just doing everything by feel and if I need to hit a heavy set of 10, I do that. Great.


Back attack- I think 2 plates and some change for sets of 10. I just try and get through the fullest range of motion possible. I've tried to go heavy on these in the past and I honestly don't feel like I got much out of it for my low back strength so I'm just trying to work on isolating the muscles I'm focusing on now.


Planks- I kind of forgot about planks TBH but most of the time when I’m getting ready for a meet I’m doing heavyish weighted abs so I figured this would be a good time to toss the old plankeroos back in because they are FUNCTIONAL.


Seated hamstring curl- high ass reps. I mean high hamstring reps. But whatever.


Close stance belt squat- I am aware I did a close stance exercise earlier but this one was higher reps. I just needed a higher rep quad dominant exercise and I hadn’t done this yet and Joe recommended it and now is my eXpErImEnTiNg time so gave them a shot 10/10 would try again.


Banded glute bridges- I use a light and a mini band and for the thrusting and a short mini band around my knees for the activation.




I spent more time helping/talking than training as evidenced by like the 4 exercises I did…


Anthony and Tyrel were benching together and both needed a stern talking to because they both like to pussyfoot around and forget cues in between reps and then they act on the cue that is given every time and are like “wow that was so much easier”.

Anthony is used to training alone and just doing whatever he wants (aka not doing the things he is bad at). He is responsive to cues but since he doesn't train with anyone consistently, he needs them reinforced every time he comes to the gym. When you train with a person or a crew on a regular basis, you get cued and cued and cued until it becomes something you can remind yourself to do or you do it automatically. However, that process is slower if it doesn't take place on a regular basis.

Tyrel, being the good practitioner that he is, is used to being very focused on good and optimal movement. Whereas I am used to ignoring those things and trying to get stronger. So I am trying to get a little of that to rub off on him. This is why having a training group with all types is beneficial.

Then I got them to both do yoke bar JM presses and it was like the song from Aladdin “whole new world” started playing on repeat. Except for the part where I told them I expected them to hit a higher weight than they did.


Aside from running my mouth, here are the exercises I did:


Flat bench DB press 4x15


Dips on the dip machine. I was trying to find some heavy non barbell tricep exercise and this is what Dave suggested


Machine side raises


Cable row in a squatting stance