My last day for lifting or heavy anything was on Wednesday. Feel great but only concern is my weight. It's been over a year since I've competed in a powerlifting competition, and I'm weighing a little heavier than usual.

My bodyweight, before, would range from 136-138. Now I'm weighing between 139-142. I compete in the 132lb/60kg weight class and I have about a week to cut 8lbs. Not mad about it but not looking forward to the cut. So, I can look at this situation in 2 ways: not make weight (lesson learned) and train closer to my weight class in my next training cycle (Relentless in July) or do what I can to make weight and also learn from this if weight cuts are needed in the future. I can apply the method I used. Either or it's sort of a win-win.  In the grand scheme of things, I'm not going for a world record. If I win my class in the USPA and qualify for Nationals - great, but my focus is to perform well and beat my previous numbers.

"Of course I'm not happy! Look at me, I'm a big fat slob. I've got bigger titties than you do. I've got more chins than a Chinese phonebook. I've not seen my willie in two years, which is long enough to declare it legally dead."

7 days out from the USPA Georgia Open Powerlifting Championship Meet in Atlanta, GA - Steve Goggins is hosting the competition.

That's my status on training.

On life:

Today, I'm headed to Pittsburgh to visit Casey and the dogs. Zach Gallman mentioned earlier this week that he was headed that way to film another episode of finding strength, and of course, I told him he could stay at Casey's if he needed a place to crash. Casey had also tagged me on a dessert he really wants me to make, so what better time than two meat heads (minus me) to make this frozen oreo peanut butter cake that will give you diabetes.

Recipe and ingredients to be continued...