Current total: 830.5 at 132 lb BW - Florida State and National Record Holder in Junior and Open Women's Raw division

Qualified National Strongman competitor and will be competing in Nationals this coming October to qualify for The Arnold in 2016

I am here to live, learn, and pass on.

When we're anxious about something, maybe even scared, we're passionate about it. If we approached things nonchalantly or with no emotion, then what's really the point?

For the next couple of weeks it will be crunch time -- meaning working with competition weight or higher. We've been using percentages, high volume work, to build up to this point in training.

Today, competition weight on the log clean and press was planned. Knowing 135lbs was my best press, I knew, mentally and physically, I had to get tough and I had to get aggressive (internally) to get 3 x 3 in.

Warming up I felt great. Did 5-10lbs jumps up to 125lbs. Then just jumped to 135lbs. Now, with log presses, that's a huge jump but given we were suppose to be in competition mode, I wanted to act in a worst case scenario: how about if there is no time to warm up sufficiently?

First set: 1 clean, no press.

Second set: 1 clean and press. Tried again. No press.

Third set: 1 clean, no press.

Not sure if this was a hardheaded/psyched myself out mistake OR a lesson learned.

It was a pretty frustrating day to say the least. My energy was low and my mind was somewhere else. It happens, we're not perfect. No point in dwelling: we use these days to re-evaluate, re-set and get motivated about the next training day.

End rant. Moving on.


Sandbag/Keg Medley: 70lbs/110lbs/140lbs for 70ft x 2


140lb Sandbag carry for max distance x 1