Sunday was a squat day at Apollon, and I was looking forward to taking my first free squat in gear in a long time.

My back isn't in shape yet for full gear, so I wore my Jack suit bottoms with no brief. I actually wore this suit wth no brief at my last meet and hit a 5lb pr, so even by itself it's plenty of support.

Started with the empty bar, and went up like so:

150 x 5

260 x 1

310 x 1

350 x 1

Put suit bottoms on

400 x 1

440 x 1

490 x 1

530 x 1

580 x 1

620 x 1

The 620 got down to parallel and came up solid. If felt a little heavy, but that's just because I haven't had heavy weights on my back in a long time. Considering everything, 620 is pretty good for straps down without wraps. Strength wise,  I could probably handle about 700 in full gear right now, but I need to let my back heal more before I try anything that heavy.

After squatting, I did:

4 sets of 12 of reverse hypers

4 sets of 10 glute ham raises

4 sets of 12 pulldown abs

and 4 planks at 45 sec each.

Getting better, slowly but consistently.