Training for the Women's Pro/Am April 14th. Programming by Dave Tate in italics.
- Warm Up
- Hanging Leg Raise
- Reverse Hypers
- Pull Down Abs
- Face Pulls
- Low Rows
- *2-4 sets (whatever you need)
- Squats - no box
- Work up to a weight that is 75% of your best squat. If Raw then base on raw, if full gear than base on full gear. If you use gear than use it all. Should be able to hit 75% for 2 sets of 3 reps
390 2x3
I need to work on my pick a little more- setting my feet in a not fucked up place, pushing back in the rack more.
I've been able to stand up with the weight in the wrong place on my feet and rock around until it's right but I don't really want to try that with 500+ believe it or not.
- GHR or Inverse Curl
- + Warm ups
- + 4 working sets of 6-8
2 sets quarter, 2 sets dub dime. That’s what the cool kids say.
- Reverse Hypers (heavy)
- + 6 sets of 8-10 reps
3 eleiko 25 kilos and a freedom 25er. I feel like saying “freedom units” is kind of pase but I went with it anyway. I’m going for the lowest common denominator humor I guess. Sell out.
- Blue Ab Bench with very light med ball between knees with feet off floor.
- + crush ball between legs
- + 4 sets to failure
TBH I do half my sets with 40 lbs and half with 45 lbs to get a few different rep ranges.
- Free Time
- Whatever you want
2 sets each innie outtie, pull down abs, shrugs on calf raise, banded good mornings, kickbacks because OBVIOUSLY THESE ARE IMPORTANT 5 WEEKS OUT. For some reason in my brain I just think about where I failed in my deadlift lockout and decide doing lightish sets of glute work will help??? Right?? RIGHT??????
- Recovery
- 90/90 breathing - 5 minutes
- Light stretching
Warm Up
Hanging Leg Raise
Reverse Hypers
Lat Pulls
Face Pulls
Pull Downs
*2-4 sets (whatever you need)
- Floor Press
- Bench Press with pinky on the rings.
- + work up to one rep max
185x1, 205x1, 225x1. Talking to Dave I probably should have taken another jump before 225 so I would have taken one more 90%+ rep. But of course in my head I just wanted to hit a certain number instead of thinking about the work I was getting each jump.
I need to do a better job of thinking about the actual work I am getting done- ie how many overall sets/reps am I taking? How many of those are in the 90%+ range? I don’t want to do too many in that range (taking too many heavy jumps and potentially missing is more of an issue for me than cutting it short) but also need to take the right jumps so I do enough heavy work. As opposed to just taking jumps to hit certain numbers.
I have been basing my percentage..based Thursday benching off 215 because it seemed right for my regular bench max. Now I think I may have totally underestimated since I floor press more than that. Or I just have no leg drive and am weak off my chest so my floor press is about the same. Yikes.
- Yoke Bar JM Press
- Work up to 6 sets of 10
- + less than 3 minutes rest
- + use more weight than last week
Started with JM press and they felt fucked up in my ‘bows so I finished my sets with close grip 135 to a shoulder saver.
- Chest Supported Rows
- + 4 sets 6-8 reps
Plate quarter 3 dimes. I was doing rows with Margaret who used a plate and a quarter so my addition of 3 dimes made sense. DONT TEST ME BRAH.
- Shoulder Series
- Dumbbell 3-Ways
- Side Raise - 20 reps
- Front Raise - 20 reps
- Rear Delt Raise 20 reps
- + no rest until round is over.
- + 2 rounds
15 lbs. Much weight. Wow.
- Band Push Downs
- Mini or Light Band - 100 total reps without stepping away, so the rest will be less than 10-15 seconds when needed.
- Free Time
- Whatever you want
2 sets each hammer curls and front raises (as I was doing front raises I was like wow this is highly reminiscent of that time 10 minutes ago I did sets of 20 for front raises… oops). 3 sets each face pulls, shrugs on calf raise, lat pulls, heavy lateral raises where I just kind of hang my arms by my side and lightly flail them outwards. I believe these are called partials. But I like the route I just went on as my fingers flitted about the keyboard and my brain went into bizarro mode.
- Recovery
- 90/90 breathing - 5 minutes
- Light stretching