For the last few weeks I've been breaking down the fundamentals of the sumo deadlift and alternating conventional pulls to save my hips. Noticing that I've been using more of my lower back to lockout my deadlift rather than using my hips and glutes. Casey has been doing a great job with breaking down the proper technique, the Ed Coan way, and little by little I've been feeling more comfortable. Just really focusing on the big cues: chest up, knees apart and creating tension on the bar, and making sure the bar path is in a straight line.
Last time I pulled a heavy sumo for reps was a few months ago with Goggins pulling 350 for a triple. Today, I pulled 335lbs for 5 x 2, which is huge. 10 total reps sounds like I'm headed in the right direction. Now it's just a matter of perfecting those fundamentals as I work towards my 400lb deadlift goal.