90/90- relaxed low back, tension on hamstrings, full breaths
Right side lying left adductor squeezes
150x5x2 sets to a box
Metal v type squatter
Straps up, Krait wraps
780x1 (opener)
850x1 (second)
Add light bands
900x1 (third)
-To put this in perspective the most I ever had on my back before this training cycle was 810, where I went on to squat 814 at the meet. This training cycle I took five singles with weights over that and all of them felt great. The time off has paid dividends. Taking advice and fixing my pelvic tilt has paid dividends. This meet will be fun. And I think I have something big planned for the Arnold.
Leg press
-double mini bands
2,3,4 plates x 20
Goggins stiff leg deads
-Average band
Stability ball ham curls
I worked with Dani on proper breathing exercises and bracing. I also studied Duffin's breathing techniques. I put most of the exercises in my logs as warm ups although I didn't put up a video showing them. It was difficult for Dani to explain to me via Facetime/skype. And even though it was easier when I finally got to see her in-person to go over them, it took months to get everything to click. So I'm hesitant to shoot a video and post it, because there are a lot of little subtleties that a professional should really walk you through if you're going to get anything out of it.