I'll be competing in December at 220. The goal is to get there healthy, and if it's there, take a shot at the WR.

Ex wife quads and hamstrings

SSB Squat 135x5x5
SSB good morning 135x5x5
Deficit DL 135x5x5
Sumo 135x5x5
Goggins SLDL 135x10x3 sets
Partner Glute/Hams 3x10
TKE 4x20

The goal is to slowly build up, feeling out my hamstring through the process. No pain today, but during the Partner GHR's I could feel how tight my adductor was about midway up the hamstring.

Boring video of my squats, but I wanted to make sure I wasn't favoring one side. They looked fine from what I can tell, but I'm going to have the team look at it and give me some feedback. I also went with OLY shoes- I really don't like squatting in them but if it takes some stress off my hamstring then I'll try it.
