Best news ever today, my Surgeon was very pleased with my progress. 3 Months post surgery, he tested my strength and range of motion and was amazed at how strong I am. Surgery was a success and he was pleased with the outcome.


He gave me the green light to lift lightly, he explained I am healed but the surgery area is just that, an area that has been fixed. He went on to explain that if I injure or tear it again he won't be able to fix it. He suggested I do light weights for the next 3 months then I should be able to return to my regular lifting.

I asked him if he thought a Body Building program would be a good choice, lighter weights more reps and he agreed that was a great idea. So cleared to go I am getting my plan in place, I'm excited to start again, something new and refreshing. I am also looking forward to seeing the changes in my body.

It's been a long haul but now I can see light at the end of the tunnel, I will return to work on March 6th after a lengthy 4 months off work. I will seek help from a Coach who knows his/her stuff for my programming.

Stay tuned for progress reports and I can't even tell you how excited I am to start, thanks for all your support over the past 3-5 months, I could not have done this alone.

#Driven #Strongher #teamelitefts