6 Weeks Out from XPC Finals @ The Arnold Classic

I got my new Metal Pro Bench Shirt in the mail the other day, and gave it it's first test run Monday. I think the sizing is perfect, it's very tight and left some good marks, but I was able to get it all the way on the first time trying. 

I worked up to 495 and got it down a few inches away from my chest without wetting down my shirt or anything. With only 4 more training weeks left, I wasn't sure whether I should try to break in the shirt or not, but I talked to Vincent Dizenzo (who knows a few things about benching) and he thinks I should go for it. So I'm going to take his advice and over the next 2 weeks do some submax reps with the shirt wet down in order to break it in. I like the material a lot and I think it'll have some great pop off the chest (once I get it there).

A. ShouldeRok Swings - 3x12 each side

B. Bench in Metal Pro - Triples up to 405lbs, Singles up to 495lbs


C. Seated Cable Row - 5x12 (neutral grip)

D. Dumbbell Floor Press - 3x12 w/ 85lb dumbbells

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