I saw a great movie the other day, it reminded me how hard the warriors trained in the Movie 300. So I designed this workout in honour of the hard work and dedication all those men and women endured to get in the shape they were in. In real life they used Kettlebells as part of their training regiment. ( I couldn’t make this shit up)

300 Reps 2 different variations

(Get there how you can but this is how the Outlaws did it)

You can use doubles or singles, your choice depending on what bells you have at home. You will need a few different sizes for this killer session.

300 Actually doubled = 600 reps

Double Swings x 50

Double Suitcase deadlifts x 50

Double Swinging side rows x 50

Double Goblet squats x 50

Double Cleans x 50

Double Presses x 50


300 Round 2

Squat Thrusters x 50

Highpulls x 25/25

Swing/Catch/Squat x 50

Clean & Jerk 25/25

Snatches 25/25

Swing Squats x 25 Sumo Squat x 25

Both rounds completed in less than an hour, amazing job ladies, this is how warriors train, they never give up. This was a really tough session tonight.

#warriors #livelearnpasson #300 #driven #teamoutlaws