There is always a debrief period after a big meet. Sometimes you just need to take longer before getting back into the gym. Travelling back Sunday night and getting in early morning put me out of commission for a couple days. Ken and I are both sick with chest infections and colds this week. Back to work and trying to get back into routine and get healthy again is my main concern. Getting my food back in line with my training is always fun too. When prepping for a meet I eat to grow, I want to go in strong so I don’t usually care too much about what I eat. Although I should be more careful, I have put on too much fat and not enough muscle this time around.

Not to worry though, I have the technology and the willpower to get rid of it. I am still on a high, a rush as you may call it. I think this will last a while for me as this experience was somewhat spectacular. The best part is I have no regrets, no damn I wish I would have done this, or that.

I am hoping to get back to training soon providing this chest cold lets up. Nothing wrong with a few extra rest days especially at my age!

Until next time, I’ll be here basking in the weekend at the Arnold’s glory!

#passiontrumpseverything #livelearnpasson