If you have been following along with any regularity (RIGHT, DEAR READER??!!), you have seen that our speed squat percentages sometimes stray from the generally accepted 45-60% guidelines.
Here is the test which is being conducted: maybe I don’t really need speed work. Dave surmised that speed work doesn’t make me faster (this is true) so maybe I would benefit more from sub-max work instead so at least I can try to get stronger. For the time being, the set and rep scheme will still be similar to traditional speed work but the percentages will be in the sub-max range and I will be less concerned about making them AFAP (as fast as possible). (Look it up) (Actually, don’t).
- Warm Up
- Hanging Leg Raise
- Reverse Hypers
- Pull Down Abs
- Face Pulls
- Low Rows
- *2-4 sets (whatever you need)
- DE Lower- straight bar to parallel box, 60% PM 10x2 2 chains each side girls 4 chains each side guys
My perceived full gear max right now is about 500 (according to Dave) so I started with 300 but that was definitely too slow and shitty to be a week 1 so we dropped it down to 255 to put me at around 300 on week 3.
Also a note on perceived maxes: it doesn’t really matter wtf I base it off of. The point is what the exertion/speed looks like on the percentage. 60% should be not super easy but also not super hard. There we go.
- Speed pulls against mini band 50% CM 5x5 reset each rep
215 5x5. I pull conventional- I have for years. But halfway through these sets I decided I wanted to see what my sumo was like. This had been percolating in my head since the last time I pulled off blocks and it was shitty. After that, I thought I should have tried pulling sumo just to see where it's at. Dave was quietly judging me as usual but he was extra uh benevolent today and let me do this.
I think it’s beneficial to be proficient in both ways of pulling (bi-sexupull) but I really haven’t been working my sumo. For years. So I think from here on out I’ll be throwing in some opposite stance work for Lily & the gang.
- RDL 5 sets of 8-10
205x5x10. RDLs have really taken a hit since my back has been fucked up. For a while. I’m hoping building these up will have some carryover to my pull and general unshittiness of back strength.
- Inverse Curl 5x5
Quarter dime
- Wide stance pit shark or belt squat go low 4x10
Stupidlyyyy I didn’t write down what I did for this
- Hatfield back raise 3x12-15
I’m still trying to figure out how to be proficient in these but I do like that it’s a mid back exercise. Those are few and far between.
- Belt squat marching more weight than last time 3x90 sec
3 plate waddle waddle