Week 1 of 4-Week Block of Training with no Barbell Post-Meet

Today was the first "leg" day in my 3-day split I'm doing (3 days on, 1 day off, repeat). I pulled some of the exercise ideas from one of Shelby Starnes Make a Wish eBook programs. Since I know I need to get my adductors strengthened before I begin raw squatting again, I've been adding some adductor machine and single-leg work in too. I didn't do a lot of hip-hinge/glute type movements just because I wanted to give my hip a little extra time to recover from squatting. 

A. Lying Leg Curls - 4 sets: 15/12/10/8 then cut weight in half and do 20 rep drop set (hold contractions)

B. Adductor Machine - 3x15

C. Leg Press - 3 Sets: first set to 20 reps, then 2 more to failure

D. Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats w/ Dumbbells - 4x10 each leg

E. Seated Calf Raises - 4x12

F. Ab Wheel - 3x12

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