I haven’t really liked writing about my training lately because it seems monotonous and I’m not hitting anything very exciting to share with you, the reader. But the reality of it is, that’s most training sessions. Up until about 6 weeks out from a meet, I really don’t hit anything exciting or noteworthy at all. But now I’m not even squatting or benching or pulling. The “heaviest” thing I’m doing is the fucking pit shark.
But you know what? That’s training. Training doesn’t exist as PRs and 100%+ squats or max singles in a shirt. It is all the stuff in between that is the actual training. That is just what it all works up to.
The training is building up my weak points, putting on size, and letting my spine recover. The training is getting my hips and glutes stronger so I can actually lock out my third attempt deadlift. The training is getting my back stronger so I can start my pull in the right position. The training is putting on more mass so I can get a bigger bench. The training is giving my body time to get its shit together before I get back under the bar.
So without further ado: my boring but necessary training.
Warm Up
- Hanging Leg Raise
- Pull Down Abs
- Face Pulls
- Glute activation- banded glute bridges and kickbacks
Belt Squat 4x10 w/band in front of hips
Close stance pit sharking to hit the ol quads
Inverse leg curl 4x10-12 with a quarter and a dime
Good morning with non barbell weight or with straps in belt squat 3x15
After my debacle trying to do this on the belt squat last time, I crowd-sourced the gym aka yelled SOMEONE GIVE ME AN IDEA FOR A BACK EXERCISE THAT IS LIKE A GOOD MORNING OR EXTENSION BUT NOT ON THE BACK ATTACK BECAUSE I’M DOING THAT THIS WEEKEND and of course Dave had an idea and suggested I try back raises on the special reverse hyper/GHR combo we have. This was actually great. The movement of the machine was good, I could use a good amount of weight (better than trying to do regular hypers holding weight or with a band), and holding the weight in front didn't mess up the movement. 10/10 will do these again.
I also asked Margaret to just film the exercise not the 700 second setup/fumbling around and she said "no you unathletic fuck I want the world to see you as you truly are, you fucking land manatee". Actually she just laughed but that is what I translated it as.
Planks 4x45-60 sec
Glute Machine
4 double sets with the starting reps being 12-15. To do these select a weight you can do for 12-15 and do that set, go straight to the other leg and do the same # of reps. Then go right back to the first leg and do as many reps as you can. If this is more than 60% of the reps on the first round add more weight or slow down the tempo. After that double set rest. Then repeat 3 more times.
Warm Up
- Hanging Leg Raise
- Reverse Hypers
- Lat Pulls
- Face Pulls
- Glute activation
Pressing movement- I wrote down that I was going to do dumbbell pressing today but I switched it up to the bench machine thing since my elbows have started to hurt already. I still wanted to do a regular-ish pressing movement off my chest and this seemed like a good alternative. I used the neutral grip and went to town. 3x10-15
Rolling Triceps 5x6-8 35 lbs
One Arm Standing Shoulder Press
3 sets of 8-10 (each set to failure) 35 lbs 3x10. I should probably be able to do more on thesee since I did 35s for my triceps hmm
Row on cable machine in squat (any grip). 3x15-20
Cable tricep extension 60 reps total
Push up with bar on the bottom of the rack- 60 total reps. Use as many sets as you need but no more than 30 seconds rest between sets
Lat pulldowns 4x15-20
Face pulls 3x15