What is a transmutation phase? Dr. Michael Yessis describes it as

        The transmutation phase is based on not only the effects of the initial accumulation phase but on the residuals that exist after the accumulation phase. In order for any gains to transfer to the competitive sport, the exercises must be a combination of technique and strength or speed or power. It isn't merely an accumulation of greater strength.


So in Block Periodization, you are focused on one aspect for that entire block. In the traditional Triphasic Training formate, I would group this methodology into an accumulation block as it is not the entire training system that can be implemented for the sport of powerlifting prior to a meet, you are accumulating your strength. This is where things get confusing. If you have been following along Julia and I have molded the two training methodologies of Conjugate AND Triphasic, with that in mind there is no "block training" when the conjugate system is being run. Almost sounds as though I am confusing myself right? Well, this is where my perspective of this definition may change. The last 9 weeks have been specialty bars and non-competition lifts WITH Triphasic implementations, so there is no way we can just hop into a meet right now. That means we need to transition our ACCUMULATED strength (last nine weeks) into sports specific strength through sports-specific movements, you following?

So, everything from here is going to be straight bars with chains and bands before we jump into a peak, or in the block terminology the, "realization phase". Everything from here on out is to apply our strength gains in a way that will benefit our sport, and in this case, it is powerlifting. Stay tuned to see how this experiment goes as this is our first run on this theory!