Well another fabulous school year is upon us. I am excited, I love the kids I work with. The greatest joy I have is the opportunity to see is the growth from 7th to 9th grade. This is the stage where the concept of personal responsibility happens. Typically by the end of 9th grade, most kids "get it" and are equipped to become independent learners who are also intrinsically motivated.
Maybe it's not entirely internal motivation but the acceptance of the path of least resistance. It's easier to meet the demands of parents, school, sports, etc through structure and routine rather than finding excuses and pretending things/people will go away and leave you alone. Like all things, the lessons learned in youth are what dictate success as adults, regardless of the endeavor.
As an unrelated point, I am asking you all to step up. We all know that Dave and Traci Tate are strong supporters of powerlifting and all things strength. Personally and through elitefts, their work for the Make A Wish Foundation brings so much joy to children and families who need it. If you have never been able to make it to a Learn To Train or any event at The Compound to support Make A Wish, this is your opportunity to show your support.
Please support Traci and some pretty rad kids by making even a small donation here.
Granting wishes for kids is what it is all about.
As for my training this week:
Treadmill, 3 days x 30 minutes
Kettlebell, 2 days. What I like to call the usual.
Deadlift day - in and out but doing work
Worked up to 380, 3x5
GHR - 3x6
I sent out some feelers today to try to determine my competition schedule for the year. I really need some direction and to get back to STRUCTURE & ROUTINE!