Here's a list of things I've been doing regularly that have been really helping things progress/go well in my training (clearly some of these things are probably going to be individual-specific, but there may be some take aways for others):
1) Benching with 45's under my feet: Although I'm not a short lifter, for some reason having plates under my feet (USAPL/IPF bench w/ a flat heel) puts me in a better position to utilize my leg/hip drive when benching.
2) Benching with my feet turned out more (same as above-- allows me to engage my glutes/hips more without my but coming off the bench).
3) Breathing exercises prior to lifting/ conscious breathing throughout warm ups: Turns out my whole life I thought I knew how to breathe-- and I was wrong. Finally learning how to breathe into my belly, and actually brace my core has been working wonders for my Squat. It doesn't take up much time or effort, but by just doing a few rounds of conscious breathing/bracing-- my Squat sessions have improved ten-fold!