I feel pretty good after yesterday’s session but my upper back is tight/feels out. It feels like I need to crack my back right between my shoulder blades. I have rolled on foam, PVC and used a lacrosse ball without success. I may have to go for an adjustment. As for today Molly and I are going to do some upper body work at the commercial gym. Here is was I did….
Stationary bike (3 minutes), rolling, band pull aparts, reverse grip dumbbell press
Incline barbell bench using shoulder saver pad
Using moderate grip
Bar for a few
135 for 10 reps
185 for 10 reps
225 for 10 reps
275 for 5 reps
315 for 3 reps
135 for 10 reps
Low pulley cable rows
100 for 10 reps
150 for 10 reps
Stack for 3 sets of 10 reps
Across the body cable pulls – starting point is at hip and pulled across and up until shoulder height
15 for 3 sets of 15 reps (each side)
Pull over machine
100 for 3 sets of 20
Cable tricep extensions
100 for 4 sets of 20 reps
I was extremely pleased with the incline press. I honestly cannot remember all my GR’s but if that wasn’t one it has to be close. The shoulder saver pad worked perfectly and did exactly what it is designed to do.