Breathing exercises
Left adductor squeezes
Wall abs
Side- lying right leg raises with left oblique bridge
Wall sits with squeeze
Warm ups feel great. I'm getting my glutes and obliques activated. I feel better going into my first set under the bar. Good progress here.
Pause squats
Mastodon against monster bands (175# at the top)
bar x 5x3 sets
330x3x2 sets
420x3x3 sets, belt last set (~600# at the top)
-slight low back pump
Now I'm still shifting in my squat, but not nearly as bad. What I'm feeling however, is the issue. My left leg is firing slower and with less force- I can tell for certain when I'm doing unilateral work- it's plain as day. But in my squat, I think it's a cause of SOME of the shift. Fortunately I get to see Dani this weekend and she can help diagnose it a little better instead of over the phone.
Block pulls
Easy. And felt my glutes firing. Good progress.
Leg press against avg bands
3 sets 10 right leg, 20 left leg
4th set of 10-15 focusing on firing both as hard as possible trying to get left to activate same as right