So first off I want to say I am still destroyed from yesterdays workout trying to keep down my food from deadlifting. I felt called out by Duffin when he mentioned, "do everything with intent", everything in training must be done with intent and I "gave up" and did not take accessory work seriously at all yesterday.
Coming in hot today to Barbell Central to meet up with one of my favorite teammates JP Carroll. We all love him for his rants and being real and he is just as real in person. It is awesome to train with individuals who have the no bull shit, don't give a FFFFFF mentality. I have not been around that in about 2 years while training. That being said there was a little more intent added wit that energy around which was a nice change of pace for me.
I suck because I failed to get video or pictures with the white strong bastard but there will be plenty after this coming weekend at the EliteFTS UGSS training session. This will be my first Team EliteFTS UGSS since I have been brought onto the team and I get to be a fly on the wall picking up some of the best advice and tips in the industry. Hell the second I get off the plane I get to be in the company of STEVE GOGGINS !!! This shit starts off with a bang, Will be sure to blog about it come next week!
Incline Press 4x5: 265 (to heavy, didn't fail though)
A1) Bench, Close Grip, (Double Red) 3x8: 155
A2) Pendlay Rows 4x8: 215
B1) Tricep Push Downs (Slow Eccentric) 2x8: 130 (to light)
B2) Single Arm DB Row. 3’s Pause) 2x8: 105 (to heavy)
B3) Seated DB Curls 2x8: 30