Day 1 Main Bench

This was one of those perfect training days. It was a holiday for everyone in Canada (Victoria Day), so it was a pretty relaxed environment in the gym. We had a good (very strong) group of people all benching at the same time. Other than having to move the pins down every time I had to do a set, it was a perfect training session. Everyone was positive, and cheering each other on. I wish all training days could be like this one.

185x7x4sets - Volume PR!

Overhead one arm dbell press 5x6
tricep push downs 4x15

Day 2 Light Squat

225x3x2 sets

My erectors were totally FRIED from heavy deads on saturday, so these felt terrible. I called it quits early because I felt like I was doing more harm than good.

Day 3 Paused Wide Grip Bench 

Work up to 155x4x4sets

Band pull aparts 3x25
Rotator cuff cleans 3x15 


Day 4 Light Sumo Deadlift and Paused Wide Grip Bench

I had a really long day on Friday, and decided to just put my light bench and deads in the same training since lighter training doesn't take too long for me.

Sumo Deadlift

Paused Wide Grip Bench
Work up to 155x3x5sets

I finished off with some upper back fluff stuff.
And lots of flexing... The lighting was good and a few of us had a bit too much fun in the mirror 'mirin our gainzzz.