I've been slacking on the training videos department. I've been filming more than ever but only to send them to the boss man. I've been more focused on getting better with training and seem to write more about the personal side of things and our YouTube content, coupled in strength.
Here's a breakdown of what I did this past week:
135 6 x 6
Substituted overhead presses with fatbell stability overhead presses (easier on the shoulders)
Front raises 4 x 12
Tricep Extensions 8 x 8
Rope Pushdowns 3 x 12
Band pull aparts x Rotator cuff cleans
Conventional Deadlifts
235lbs 4 x 5
Pull throughs 3 x 12
Upper back Cable face pulls) 8 x 12
225lbs 3 x 6
Pause squats (1 sec) 195 x 4
Leg press 3 x 15
GHR 4 x 10
Pause bench (wide grip) 120 5 x 5
Band pull aparts x rotator cuff cleans