Update: Per doctors orders, I'm off the corticosteroids. That's great in terms of training safely. In a few weeks I won't be at such a risk for tendon rupture, etc. But in the days following that, I've felt like shit. Nowhere near as bad as a few weeks ago, but not as good as a few days ago. So I'm imagining it will take a couple weeks to feel semi-normal again. Also, I'm waiting on blood work but I'm more than likely anemic. My resting heart rate is around 100bpm. I get light headed pretty easily. With iron supplementation, hopefully that will take care of itself quickly. With that being said, training has been limited...



150-240-330-420 x10

Belt squat- piston sytle (partial squats keeping tension on the quads)

2-3-4-5 plates x 20

Leg ext/Leg curl super set

10-15-20-15-10 each



145-195-235 x10,

285x10x3 sets

Fatbell incline

60-80-100-100 x20

Fatbell tricep ext 40#x30,30,20

Tricep rope 50 reps

Face pulls 3x15

Band pull aparts 3x15