Squat w/belt x1 @8 75%x5x6 (-18%)

[Top set: 295lbs x1]

[Back off sets: 245lbs x 5's]

Competition Raw Bench x1 @8 80%x4x6 (-13%)

[Top Set: 175x1]

[Back offs: 150x4's]

One arm DB military x10 @6, x10 @7, x10 @8 plus 2 down sets (repeat)

Deadlift w/belt x1 @8 75%x5x6 (-18%)

[Top Set: 385x1]

[Back offs: 315x5's]

Bulgarian Split Squat x10 @7, x10 @8, x10 @9 plus 1 down set (load drop)

Front Squat x4 @7, x4 @8, x4 @9 plus 1 down set (load drop)
Feet Up Bench x1 @8, x10 @9 plus 3 down sets (load drop)
One arm DB Floor Press x10 @6, x10 @7, x10 @8 plus 2 down sets (repeat)

Conventional Deadlift x1 @8, x4 @9 plus 2 down sets (load drop)
Row of your choice x10 @7, x10 @8, x10 @9 plus 1 down set (load drop)
Row of your choice x8 @7, x8 @8, x8 @9 plus 1 down set (load drop)