Things that are hurting

Pinching hips when I squat

Lower Back in training and in some random daily activities

Tight Upper back and erectors


What I think the causes are

Pretty sure I developed some bad postural habits throughout school, and the bad positioning + training landed me here in this mess of a body. But I'm learning a lot in the healing process. Somewhere along the way to my J.D. I lost pelvis...or good pelvic positioning at least.


Anterior pelvic tilt + hip shifts in squat = pain.

What I'm currently doing to try and fix it

  1. Hip Mobility: Couch Stretch--> Tactical Frog --> deep squat holds (daily)
  2. Thoracic Mobility work (any of the "staples") + Scap Mobility Drills
  3. Lots and Lots and Lots of breathing/bracing drills + glute activation work (just use the search function on the site and you'll find tons of resources on various activation strategies and bracing work)