Dani's breathing warm up and glute activation
Glute bridge no go- quad still taking over
KB swings 30# 3x15
GHR- really hard to get my glutes to fire and low back to calm down. Felt it all in ham and low back until last set. Tried tucking rubs.
Farmers walks 45# 4 trips x50 yards
Floor press
Against 1 chain
Bar X 10
275x5x3 sets
315x5x5 45sec rest
1 chain, 95#
1/4 dips, body weight
100 reps total
Pull ups- band assisted
25 total- focusing on full contraction
I left them unedited to prove that I did it in under five minutes for all you haters out there (I don't have any haters). But really I'm putting a focus on fitting the same amount of work into less time. I've been getting lazy and spending too much down time between sets over the last couple of training cycles.
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