Tuesday bench
Breathing warm ups
Half kneeling hip flexor stretch focusing on glute activation- left was still tough to activate
Mike Robertson's Bear core activation
-all good
Shoulderok 2x10
Floor press against 2 chains (last week did 315x5x5x5min against one chain)
Bar X 10
I kind of wish I was squatting this weight at this point too. All jokes aside bench is feeling good. The biggest difference in my bench over the last six months- the added tricep ext and 1/4 dips have made the lower part of my triceps strong as hell. I'm confidently grinding through weights and keeping everything tight instead of flaring and going through that 'OH SHIT' feeling.
Lying tricep ext against 2 chains
Triple tricep ext
Paired with
Band assisted pull ups (again focus on full contraction. I would do lat pull downs but we don't have one at the gym).
3x through each to failure, 30sec rest
Front and side raises 10# DB (I did these with my shirt off like any good meathead would. I was also by myself with no one to mock me.)
Sled pulls 2 plates
-Focus on on neutral hips- felt like i was walking with a stick up my ass so I took short steps and tried to maintain that position. Dani said I can sled pull, but to be conscious of what muscles I'm using. These were mostly in the glutes so I think that was the way to go.