Mulligan lumbar self snag 10x10 *throughout the day
Psoas strengthen/stretch, hanging off bench with 2 chains 2x10
Airdyne x 20 minutes

Mulligan lumbar self snag 10x10 *throughout the day
Psoas strengthen/stretch, hanging off bench with 2 chains 2x10
Treadmill x 20 minutes

Band circuit 2x25 each: Curls, Lateral Raises, Pushdowns, and Pullaparts

Mulligan lumbar self snag 10x10 *throughout the day
Psoas strengthen/stretch, hanging off bench with 2 chains 2x10
Airdyne x 30 minutes

I rode that airdyne like a BOSS! I have Lance Armstrong beat, at least in the testicle department. My love affair with the airdyne has returned. The coolest thing is that it is not irritating my back. I had been avoiding it a bit because I could feel it pull on my hip and back issue on the right side. Not anymore.

I have narrowed down my back and hip rehab to two exercises that work. The Mulligan lumbar self snag with a strap technique, has been yielding incredible results. I'm glad I listen to my pt when he blathers on. Just kidding really. He's a smart dude and I'm impatient. I just want exercises that work. However, actually listening reminded me of some back mobilization work that we have done. I was getting success from that which led me to investigate some further movements on my own. Hence, the Mulligan self snag technique. I have been doing it at least 10 times a day for 10 reps each time. It is crazy how much one movement can improve an injury. It's just finding that right one.

Patience grasshopper, I have been here before. For right now, let's just say I'm cautiously optimistic.

Meanwhile on Wednesday, I just felt like hanging out in the basement gym. I did my stretching and cardio, but felt like a little more. So I threw in a little band circuit. I guess it could be considered and extra workout. I find band work and blast strap work help me recover while hitting some little things that might get neglected with the big movements.