Benched with Matt Mills, Mario D'Amico and one of his training partners. I've mentioned my shoulder has been giving me some issues lately and today started off the same. I 've been spending some extra time warming up and trying to get some blood flowing and hitting my post delts and upper back.

Bench Press:

Felt decent during this workout, the inch or so off my chest I had some pain, other than that I felt pretty good. The 405 was the heaviest I've hit in at least 6 weeks due to my upper body issues. I was pretty happy with how well it felt, and I definitely had more in me but wanted to be smart.

Safety Squat Bar JM Press
5x10 2@135lbs, 1x10 at 185, 1x10 at 225

Lat Pull Downs 3x10
Low Cable Rows 3x10

It was a great weekend being surrounded by so many world class lifters and coaches.