Had a great time per usual and love meeting new people and I hope everyone took a lot from this UGSS.

Dead lift session: 315 5 singles 335 5 singles

Assistance work:


  1. DB row
  2. Reverse hypers
  3. low row
  4. Single standing leg curl
  5. glute pushes
  6. Cable crunches
  7. Leg raises

Had a great conversation about where the sport was and where its going and what the hell is happening with multi gear lifter's vs. the new found appeal for raw lifting. Not against either , I've done both and I know my reasons for choosing one over another. However those that disrespect either is annoying to watch and to hear. You must understand both sides to talk. Geared lifting takes much more time to learn and understand. Raw lifting takes the understanding of your own limits and the longevity will shorter, maybe too short that you may never fully understand the sport. Very two different animals. Be patient. Be open. Be kind.