On Friday I started back up with a raw bench cycle in order to try and pull this lift out of the crapper. My bodyweight is down from a couple of weeks ago and I've been waking up between 205 and 207 all week. I'm fine with this because I want to start this meet cycle at a lighter bodyweight so I don't find myself fighting the scale the last month. I'm not sure how low I'll go, but it'll probably be in the 200-203 range by mid June.

So I knew the weight loss shouldn't be catastrophic for my lifting, but it would have a slight effect. Never felt limited by the weight loss, but it's still early

Anyhow... My bar weight for the day was 275 and the goal was 6 sets of 2. Over the next few weeks, I'll build up to 6 sets of 6.

Long story short, the bench work went really smoothly, so I'm off to a good start. Once I hit the goal of 275 x 6 x 6, I will change the movement up (maybe to a close grip or floor press) and start it up again.

After the benching, I did 4 sets on the shrug machine, 4 sets on the triceps dip machine and 4 sets of face pulls.