Train when you can train where you can train. No excuses.
Do you like check list? Everyday even off days I make a checklist and do everything on it.
Today's checklist:
- Breakfast, coffee
- Print out lecture slides
- Lecture class 4 hrs - protein shake
- Train upper assistance
- Feed ferret and cats
- Clean out 2 out of 4 kitty boxes
- Pack to leave for home home
- shower
- eat
- Hit the road 3 hr drive to celebrate my twin niece's 2nd birthday. Keeping family first as always.
All of this happened before 3 pm, which is why I love checklist it scientifically improves peace of mind and productivity.
Training session:
20min spin bike
- Band pull parts 3x30
- Light around the worlds 3x30
- DB shoulder press 4x20
- Lateral light band 4x20
- Cable reverse fly 4x20
- Pull UPS for speed 9x3
Abs: planks 4x45sec
Lot of hips traction at the end. All in 1 hr. Tight schedule is sometimes the most effective.