My shoulder has been bothering me so I didn't bench last week and this week it was still bugging me. So, I tried out an overhead pressing variation that I stole from one of the UGSS at the Elitefts S4 compound. Nate Harvey was having some shoulder issues, so I watched Jason Colley show him this over head pressing variation. I later saw Nate refer to it as a Colley Press. If you don't follow @conjugate_u on Instagram, do it! It is Nate Harvey's page and he posts a lot of great information and exercise variations on there!

Anyways, the Colley Press.... It is a neutral grip dumbbell press with a short mini band around your wrists. I was 100% pain free during this.

Colley Press 4x15
Pullups 4x15

Dumbbell 1 arm rows @70lbs 4x15
Band Tri pushdonws (pause at the bottom) 4x15

Band Facepull x 100