I’m currently in off season mode working on bringing up certain qualities and weaknesses I noticed from the IPA Grand Prix Nationals. This training will be laying the ground for my training cycle into the 2016 XPC Finals.

For programming and coaching inquires, please email SmitleyPerformanceSystems@gmail.com

Monday evening I got in a late little session with my good friend Hannah, as she was back in town for Thanksgiving. I've had the awesome pleasure of coaching her through Purdue Barbell, and she's one of my PIC's these days. Anyways, any time she's in town she comes to get a training session in and I figured I'd jump in and train with her to bring back some of the old times when she came down with Renea (Renea is still MIA these days...). Still a good evening to get some blood moving around and work on some weak areas.

Items Used in this Training Session
Mini Band

A1) Overhead Press

B1) Neutral Grip Lat Pulldowns

C1) DeFranco Pull Aparts

D1) Rolling Thunder
R - 95x3; L - 92.5x3
R - 90x6; L - 87.5x5
R - 80 x Max Hold; L - 75 x Max Hold

E1) Hex DB Holds
30 sec per hand x 2

F1) CoC #T
Numerous sets talking with Hannah