Not sure if Ohio is trying to tell me to get the hell out or I'm missing the warm weather. Second time getting sick within the last two weeks but I must keep on keepin' on. Doing light weight/BW weight movements for conditioning and blood flow beats staying home in a pile of tissues. Sweating it off always makes my cold go away faster.

You can either break it up into 4 sets of 25 or do as many as you can in a set until you hit 100 reps.

10 minutes on the bike (resistance: 9)

DB Presses x 100 (25lbs)

DB Flies x 100 (10lbs)

Iso lateral decline presses x 100

Iso low rows x 100

Pull downs with mag grip x 100

Pull aparts x 100

Rear delts x 100

Tricep pushdowns ss with cable curls x 100 each