Today was the first day I benched since the Arnold. Man, I feel like fucking Bambi trying to walk for the first time. The first issue I noticed is I am not explosive at all- strange feeling. My ar path was all over the place, so I decided to slow the descent, and that seemed to help. Now that I think of it that is what killed my explosiveness- no biggie for now.

I started with the bar, the new five-ring bar from elitefts. I'm always keeping it real, it's all I know I made fun of that bar the moment I saw it, but it wasn't until I tried it that I realized this thing is a gem. I laid down and got in my position placing my hands in the spots I have 4 million times they were off; I was centered off the center ring. This has me thinking the reason behind my left AC joint being trashed is al the years benching uncentered.

Anywho, I ended up going like this.

135x 10 x 2

185 x 8

225 x 8

275 x 5

315 x 3

365 x 2

405 x 1 x 2 Banged the face guards wanted it clean before I moved up

455 1 x 2 Banged face guards again, I just took them off and took the jump, fuck it. I feel it moved fairly fast see video below

485 moved well, especially for being a fat crossfitter and not benching for over twenty weeks! No video cause I have fat lazy fingers, and deleted it.


pushups 16 sets of 10

then some shoulder and tricep work. Time to get strong again.