Still recovering from travel and lack of sleep I pushed it and attempted prescribed percentages. I had to drop weight to the lower percentage range on SSB squats cause there was no way I was getting a second set at 465, dunked out down to 450 and snuck out 8 reps. My AMRAP to follow was not so great and i Mentally prepared myself to do 6 reps (they were not pretty).
The rest of the training session went to shit. As you all know my bench is terrible and it showed today. I missed my working weight on the first set, dropped weight failed again on my second set and just moved onto the AMRAP which I had to drop more weight to push out a measly 8 sloppy reps.
Struggling pretty bad with recovery and motivation in training. My bench is overly frustrating and I am benching (different variations) 2x a week. I am eagerly waiting to get this lift moving in the right direction again.
SSB, Heels, (70-75%) 2x8: 465-450 + 1xAMRAP: 450x6
Duffalo Bar Bench, 3’s Pause 2x8: 285 fail. – 265 fail dog shit
+ 1xAMRAP: 235 x 8…… dog shit
A1) Short Side Clamshell Planks 2x8: red micro mini
A2) GHR (Slow Eccentric) 2x10: Bw
B1) Seated Abductions (Slow Eccentric) 2x20: 100
B2) Banded Rear Delt. (Slow eccentric) 2x20: Red