Sumo DL in briefs 705x1, 815 miss (would have tied my best gym lift)
-I was shooting for an overload pull today to end this training block. It didn't go well for a couple of reasons. My technique wasn't so great in the briefs. I didn't load my hips properly. More importantly, I've been focusing so hard on keeping my hips neutral, that I started the pull in a great position but didn't arch hard enough to maintain an upright torso. I sent the video to Marshall and he immediately pointed it out and it made perfect sense to me. It was exactly what I was feeling but unable to pinpoint it.
705x1... (815 my film cut out when someone called me FFS)
Same issue with 765 beltless the week prior
Conventional DL 485 3x8
Sumo chair deads 135-225-315 x5
Lat pull down 4x15
Machine ham curls 3x15