Current training maxes 700-500-750
Sumo 550 3x5 (73%)
Conv 500 3x8
Building a bigger base with all of my training right now in preparation for BOB in August.
Thursday assistance work
-I don't like waiting until the next day, but I did a poor job of time management on Wednesday. Between gym members needing help and some other work related activities, it was 830pm before I finished those six sets. On top of that, I was falling asleep between sets. So the smart play was to end it and finish on Thursday.
Seated GM- SSB 95# 3x15 big pump
GHR- tried these but had some discomfort behind my right knee. Laid down and body tempered my hams and left it sit behind my knees for 5 min.
Seated Ham curls 2x25 slow tempo
Wall abs 3x10