Coming off of a 2nd Place Finish at USS Nationals in June, I'm now in an off-season hypertrophy phase for the next 12 weeks. I'm working with Mike Mastell on my programming and it's based off of John Meadows Mountain Dog Training with a slight strength emphasis.
-I felt really strong on the strict log press and DB shoulder press.
-Everything else felt really good.
-Rest was 2 minutes on log and seated DB press.
-Rest was 1 minute on everything else.
-I followed this training session up by taking the little one to a friends house to swim. My friend and I have had this debate going for a couple years of what is the best light beer out of Miller Lite and Bud Light. Before any beer snobs can say anything, Yes, I drink Miller Lite, lol. If I'm going to be at the lake, ocean or pool I'm drinking something that taste a little better than water, gets the job done and I can drink quite a few of without getting fall-down drunk and is refreshing. Hence Miller Lite is my go-to beer in these situations. My other drinks of choice are Sailor Jerry Rum & Willet Bourbon. Long story short, Miller lite won unanimously in the blind taste test challenge. I've done this about 3 or 4 times over the years with various friends and Miller Lite has won every single time. Give it a try.
Strict Log Press
A video posted by Chase Karnes (@chasekarnes) on
Seated DB Shoulder Press
75s x 8
80s x 8
85s x 8
90s x 8
Incline DB Shrugs
3 sets of 12 w/70s
DB 6-ways
3 sets of 10 w/10s
Bradford Press
3 sets of 8 w/115#
Cable Rope Pressdown
4 sets of 20 on setting 9
Cable Rope Kickbacks
3 sets of 12 on setting 2
DB Rolling Tricep Extensions
3 sets of 10 w/35s