
Box squat, briefs, Duffalo bar, EliteFTS average bands (160# tension)

385x2x8 sets

These moved well so I took 495x1 and 605x1 afterward. I just need to feel some heavy weight on my back. 765# at the top on this last set...


Sumo hook grip  225-315-405x5, 495x5x3 sets

Hook grip is beneficial for everyone in terms of positioning. I'm getting better with it each training session, but each training session seems to pose new issues. Today, I was able to fix the problem of feeling the bar "rolling" away from me, but now I wasn't able to set my grip as well and through each rep I was losing my grip.

Sumo stiff leg 225-315-315x10


GHR 30 reps

Chest supported row 50 reps

Stability ball ham curls 50 reps

Band pull aparts 100 reps