Bench with legs up 310/350x5, 395x8
Bench partials/top half with legs up 310 x15
Football bar tri ext 185x8x8x9
Football bar inverted rows x20x13x13

I felt very low energy this session. The 395 for 8 was a bit of a grind, but I got it. I love the fact that I am learning to grind. I had a stressful week so I will chalk it up to that. Plus I was a little low on carbs going into it. I'll up the carbs and see if that makes a difference this week. I'll be keeping the legs up for two more weeks. My back is getting really close to 100% which is awesome!

Deep tissue massage 1 hr
Jacuzzi, steam room, cold shower

Went to the spa and saw my girl Heather. She gives mean elbow. She said I could have stayed there all day with how tight I am. I bet she says that to all the guys. My local girl is good, but I have to get to see Heather at least once a month. I'm looking to become a mormon just so I could take her on as a second wife.

Safety squat bar squat 270/310/345x5, 270x15
Trap bar deadlift 270/310/345x5, 270x15
Back raise 5x10

Treadmill 40 minutes

Incline bench 270/310/345x5
Incline bench partials/top half 270x15
Dips 3x10
Inverted barbell rows 3x10

I used a bit of tempo on the dips and rows. I am starting a little slow this first meso cycle back into things. I'll probably get back to amrap on those next meso.

Just a typical week. It's my 2nd week back of a potential 26 week training cycle. I'm looking to go 500 plus at 220. That will put me at 500 or more in 5 weight classes. That's the challenge for me now. Finding something that gives me meaning in training. This serves two goals for me. Dropping more bodyfat while still staying as strong as possible. Stay tuned. We'll see what happens.

Also, send my boy Rhodes some positive vibes. He is dealing with a possible heart issue and now his eyes are all jacked up. Matt is a really good dude and one of my favorite people in the whole world. He is never one to b!tch. He just puts his head down and moves forward. We can all learn from that. Hang in there brother.